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Did anyone else hear an "outburst"?

I thought my newsreader was broken because I wasn't getting any Chinese newsfeeds this morning. Then I realized that the entire country is on holiday, and news simply doesn't happen during Spring Festival.

Unfortunately, that still leaves this whole Tim Geithner issue to pick at. And the Financial Times seems to be fanning the flames. (My previous posts on this topic are here and here. China Law Blog picks up on other views of this issue here.)

Let me preface this by saying that I love the Financial Times. Their global coverage of business and economics has few serious competitors. I wish I could say the same for their analysis of American politics.

In this morning's "Lex" column they write: "Mr. Geither's outburst may be more political, pinning blame elsewhere." (emphasis added)

Outburst? Seriously? Is this one of those differences between British and American English like the word "pants" which means "trousers" in America and "underwear" in the UK? (I once told a British friend that I needed to go home and change my pants, which resulted in his doubling over in laughter.)

Perhaps "outburst" in British English means "stated matter-of-factly". If not, I am leaning toward a suspicion that Lex is trying to stir up trouble between China and the U.S.

To quote Forrest Gump: That's all I have to say about that.

I hope to resume our regularly scheduled programming once news starts happening in China again.


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