Automotive Automotive

The Future

This past week I was invited to sit in on an advisory panel for Lincoln Technical Institute in Whitestone, Queens. The purpose of this panel was to tour the school and offer feedback on the program. The facility is state of the art and the program is an excellent start for young technicians wanting to get into the business. I was honored to be asked for my opinion on various subjects during the feedback sessions. Just wanted to say thank you to the people over at Lincoln Tech for the invite. I am hopeful for the future of the automotive industry and the automotive technician.
Speaking of the future and feedback. I am at the seven month mark with my Ottotest scantool. Look for an unabashed detailed review of this scantool real soon. Future articles also include more fun with a low amp probe including more fuel pump patterns as well as checking ignition low amp patterns. Also, a blast from the past Lexus odyssey, GM Class 2 issues caused by a "chia pet", an Audi evap issue, and two similiar Caravans with different end results. I think I will also detail a "day in the life" of a mobile diagnostic guy like myself. Any suggestions for articles? Feel free. 


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