Meanwhile, a paragraph toward the end of this article caught my eye. It lists the industries that have benefited from specific stimulus plans since the beginning of the calendar year, and it mentions that some industries -- especially the auto and steel industries -- are already seeing the benefits of the plans.
今年1月4日至2月19日,国务院已经密集出台了汽车、钢铁、纺织、装备制造、船舶、电子信息、石化和轻工业八项产业振兴规划。这些振兴规划出台后已见初步成效,汽车销量开始回升,钢铁价格出现回升,扩大内需的效果已经初步显现。For the record (and so that I can refer back to this post later for the list), the eight industries for which the State Council has released stimulus plans since the first of the year are:
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